
Yoko Sushi

Hello there! Today I’m inviting you guys to diner at yoko sushi!
A friend introduced it to our group of friends not so long ago and it's been one of our favorite spots ever since.
The place is really pretty and it serves good food at a very convenient price in comparison to other sushi places!

The food is great and man did we have a little feast! Now I’m not much of a soup fan but Rabii started with misou soup and seemed to really enjoy it! he even made the cheese pose for me!


Ikram and I had fry pizza sushi and some makis. We’re not only best friends but we also have the same taste in food! ( well almost!)


The boys went with a sushi selection and Panne poulet Karagui (whatever that means!), however someone was too hungry to wait for me to take a snapsot of the plate, I’m not telling who but his name starts with R.

Some of us went with a mousse chocolat for desert. Others were just to full!

After this lovely meal, we flipped a coin trying to figure out what to do next then settled for a hot tea, said goodnight and went back home.

The restaurant is at Harhoura, you can give them a call if you fancy going there for a bite. Here is their phone number: 05 37 62 65 63.
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Hello Food!

Sometimes when you're caught up at work and just don't have the time to take a lunch break or when you're too lazy to cook, delivery food seems like a wonderful idea! except I honestly used to struggle with this a little because I knew few restaurants that delivered near where I live and I couldn't always find what I was looking for. Well not anymore! I've recently discovered Hello food, which is a website that enables you to order online from a selected set of the best restaurants that deliver in your area in 3 simple steps.
You first choose the area you live in; second, you browse the different restaurants then you finally order whatever you're craving for! You can pay online or upon delivery which is quite convenient. I've tried it recently and I’ve been hooked! If you'd like to try it as well, you can pay their website a little visit or use their mobile apps! And when you do, let me know what you guys think!

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Tea Time: Oreo Brownies

Afternoon tea time is my favorite part of the day. You can relax, read a book and if you're lucky even enjoy a little sunshine. In that special me time, something sweet is mandatory! and even if I savor a regular chocolate bar and biscuits as much as the next girl, I often like to enjoy my afternoon tea with home made treats, cakes, brownies and what have you just speak to me more! so I thought i'd start a new section called tea time where i'd share with you guys few of my favorite recipes.

And since lately i've been having a little chocolate love affair, i'm starting with one of my favorite guilty pleasures; oreo brownies.

// mon moment préféré de la journée est quand je me pose seule l'après midi, avec une tasse de thé à la main, un bon livre, et si la chance me sourit un rayon de soleil qui m'effleure les cheveux et me réchauffe le cœur. Dans ce petit instant de bonheur, un délice sucré est obligatoire! et même si je n'ai rien contre les biscuits et les barres de chocolat, je préfère les gâteaux fait maison... Du coup je me suis dit que ce serait bien si je commençais une nouvelle rubrique où je partagerais avec vous mes petites recettes, à déguster l'après midi, avec un bon livre et une tasse de thé!

Et puisque récemment, je me suis éprise de chocolat, je commence avec l'une de mes recettes préférées; ;Oreo brownies.

That recipe doesn't require much skills, all you need is:

2 eggs
40g flour
80g butter
150g milk chocolate (or more if you really fancy chocolate)
100 g castor sugar
1 table spoon of vanilla sugar (optional)
7 oreo cookies (regular or double the stuff! as you like!)

// vous aurez besoin de:

2 oeufs
40g de Farine
80 g de beurre
150g de chocolat au lait (ou même un peu plus si ça vous dit)
100 g de sucre glacé
1 cuillère à soupe de sucre à la vanille (facultatif)
7 biscuits Oreo (normal ou double, c'est comme vous voudrez!)

The first step is to break the oreo cookies into small pieces (don't forget to leave some bigger pieces to put on top) then keep them on the side.
Heat the butter and chocolate into a bowl, when they've completely melted remove them from the heat and add the sugar, the vanilla sugar and mix it all.
Add the eggs, then the flour and mix the batter again.
Add the crushed cookies (keep some bigger pieces to put on top)
Pour the batter into a pan and add the bigger pieces on top.
Bake for 30 min.
when it's done cut it into little square pieces.

//La première étape consiste à briser les biscuits Oreo en petits morceaux (n'oubliez pas de laisser quelques gros morceaux pour la déco), gardez les à côté.
Chauffez le beurre et le chocolat dans un bol jusqu’à ce qu'ils fondent, retirez-les du feu et ajoutez le sucre et le sucre à la vanille puis mélangez le tout.
Ajoutez les œufs, puis la farine et mélangez à nouveau la pâte.
Ajoutez les biscuits écrasés (garder quelques gros morceaux à coté)
Versez la pâte dans une poêle et décorez avec les gros morceaux
Faites cuire au four pendant 30 min.
quand c'est prêt, découpez le brownie en petits morceaux carrés.

and there you go! your brownies are ready!

// et voila, le tour est joué!

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