
Innocent Souls

I miss the time when I was young and careless and my student time table, I feel like I never have the time to do anything anymore... and I felt sick and sad and tired so I went out and took some pictures. Mainly flowers because they're beautiful and they cheer me up.// Je me sens vieille et ça me manque la belle époque, quand j'avais beaucoup de temps libre, quand j'étais jeune et insouciante... J'étais malade et fatiguée et triste, du coup je suis sortie prendre des photos, des photos de fleurs pour la plupart, parce que les fleurs sont belles et me remontent le moral. 
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  1. love the cap on the first picture! Such nice flowers, I like the photos :)

  2. The photos you took are so beautiful. The colors of the flowers are so vibrant! It's important to take time and do the things you love. Sometimes we must stop and do so. Good for you!

  3. AAhhh le bon vieux temps ... Tres belles photos, chehitinii fdik la salade, fiya jou3 :/

  4. Very beautiful pictures!

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  5. Your pictures are stunning. I'm in love with flowers too, just the smell of fresh flowers can ultimately change your mood!

    Rebecca xx

  6. What beautiful photos. I love flowers too =)

    <3 Kelly's Kouture

  7. Amazing shots! So real and captivating at the same time :) kiss

