
Your girl is lovely hubbell

Remember that time when you were browsing your facebook feed, dipping Doritos in that filthy but oh so tasty sauce feeling good about yourself and where your life is heading (kind of). When suddenly bam what do you see, a picture of your ex getting engaged! So you dip your Doritos in the sauce aggressively and wonder how in the world anyone ever wanted to marry that douchebag and how in the world did he ever find someone before you did. And suddenly, there goes your hopes and dreams that he'd be miserable forever out the window! I mean let's face it, you're fabulous and he's just well he's just really not! Plus you deserve to be happy first and he can't get married while you're sad and lonely and Doritos are your only friends. 

so now unless you invite yourself to his wedding, wait for the right moment and shout i object, knock him down l3mariya screaming you said you'll love me forever or try to win him back by seducing him with your bitterness we're gonna have to deal with this situation.

and what I mean by dealing with this situation is not eating as much sweets as possible, listening to adele all day long then killing yourself. You have to remember, you're fabulous and the world is a much sadder place without you!

Truth is, being in your twenties, it's just a matter of time before your exes start settling down and sometimes it makes you feel bad, especially if you're still single or in an unhappy relationship, that you're still, you know, just trying to figure out what to do with your life while everybody else has it all together! 

Well i don't think that there is a right or wrong time, things come your way when you're ready for them and everybody's timing is different. Therefore, let's try our best here to be happy for mister douchebag, there is a reason why he is in your past... and just because he's mister right for that well "other woman" (who doesn’t even compare to your beauty nor brains) doesn’t make him any less of a bad match for you.

Being single doesn’t make you any less sexy or charming, it just means that you're taking your time to figure out what you want in life and who you want to build it with!

I mean look at adele, she did find prince charming after all , she didn't find someone like him, she found way better, so why won't you?, after all, you're kind of a big deal  ;)

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  1. Ton post m'a fait bien rigoler, j'ai l'impression que tu t'adresses exactement à moi :D Je suis dans une phase où je commence à l'oublier et à réaliser que je mérite beaucoup beaucoup mieux que lui, même si dans mon cas il ne s'est pas marié mais faut croire qu'il a rapidement tourné la page. J'ai l'impression que c'est beaucoup plus difficile pour les filles en général de passer à autre chose après une rupture, surtout quand l'histoire a duré longtemps... il y a toujours une minuscule pointe d'espoir qui subsiste et il faut se forcer à s'en débarasser pour ne pas se torturer (bcp plus facile à dire qu'à faire je sais) :d

    1. ah oui je suis tout à fait d'accord à chaque fois qu'une relation se termine le mec est genre allez hop à la suivante, ils se prennent pas la tête alors que nous passons des semaines voir des mois à chialer! et tu sais de toute façon c'est lui le perdant (je sais c'est cliché mais pas pour autant moins vrai!), je ne te connais pas personnellement mais je te suis depuis un moment déjà et je sais que tu es une fille exceptionnelle (vraiment! je te jette pas des fleurs hein), je suis certaine que tu finiras par trouver l'homme qui te mérite... en attendant, bon courage! :)

    2. Ohhh je suis vraiment super émue, d'habitude je ne reviens jamais voir dans les commentaires d'un post que j'ai commenté mais en passant par ici j'ai cliqué par curiosité :d
      J'ai la sensation que si je te rencontrais dans la vraie vie, on pourrait s'entendre sur beaucoup de choses au vu de tes articles et de ta façon de voir le monde :)
      J'espère qu'on pourra s'organiser un café un jour ! Gros bisous

    3. coucou Fadwa. moi aussi j'ai toujours eu l'impression que si on se connaissais dans la vrai vie on serait peut être copines! et le café c'est quand tu veux! ce sera avec grand grand plaisir! :)

  2. oh yes. i've been in that situation before. i was always told never to force anything. so, i don't. daryl hannah wanted john f. kennedy jr. he ended up marrying someone else. both of them ended at the bottom of the ocean. so yeah, wish them the best and move on.

    1. haha i like the "both of them ended at the bottom of the ocean" part! kim, you're terrific :D

  3. Well I think every girl has been in that situation before. To tell you the truth I wish my Mr. Douchebag all the best :D

    xx Mira

    1. that's because you're such a nice lady mira! and i surely agree, everybody deserves to be happy no matter what... i hope you found someone who makes you happy too :)

  4. haha you're so funny... "you wonder how in the world would anyone want to marry such a douchbag". I think no matter who he ends up with, we can't help but think what if it was me? Part of the pain is also recognizing that it's with another person. But you're right... the guy for you is someone else out there. We will never know why it takes longer for some people to find their match, but it'll come :)
    Sunny with a side of...

    1. I couldnt agree more! thanks for stopping by sweetie :)

  5. It doesn't matter how long it takes, Is important to never feel pressure to get married or to be in a relationship. when the right person comes it will be the right time. Great post dear!

    1. I couldn't agree more! there is no wrong or right timing! thanks for stopping by :)

  6. This is so true- exes start to settle down, and it's a fact we all have to deal with. Moving on is good- but the road can be a bit bumpy.

    Great post, doll!


    1. hopefully that feeling goes away when you meet the right person who sweeps you off your feet and make you forget about anybody you ever dated before :)

  7. Wishing you and your loved ones a very Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
    May it filled with joy, love, peace and happiness!

  8. haha true story .. like the post, specially the way to write it :)
    Good job .. you're so funny


  9. I so exited for your nomination at the "Maroc Web Awards" ! I just voted for you <3 good luck

  10. thanks! happy new year to you too :)

  11. thanks a lot farah! that's so nice of you, i really appreciate it :)

